Historic Permits


Listed below are the annual City of Dallas Directory by street and year, scanned from microfilm from the Central Library downtown. Find your house in the first year it appears in the directory and you'll have a rough estimate that it was built in that year or the year before. You'll also be able to see the first owner name and other owner names in subsequent years.

View Records By Street

  • Junius Street

    North Henderson Ave to North Fitzhugh Ave

  • Worth Street

    North Henderson Ave to North Fitzhugh Ave

  • Crutcher (now Tremont St)

    North Henderson Ave to North Prairie Ave

  • Victor Street

    North Henderson Ave to North Fitzhugh Ave

  • Reiger Street

    North Henderson Ave to North Fitzhugh Ave

  • All records are setup by year. If you have questions you can email info@mungerplace.com.

✺ Downloads ✺

  • 1905 Victor CD

    1906 Victor CD

    1907 Victor CD

    1908 Victor CD

    1909 Victor CD

    1910 Victor CD

    1911 Victor CD

    1912 Victor CD

    1913 Victor CD

    1914 Victor CD

    1915 Victor CD

    1916 Victor CD

    1917 Victor CD

    1918 Victor CD

    1919 Victor CD

    1920 Victor CD

  • 1905 Reiger CD

    1906 Reiger CD

    1907 Reiger CD

    1908 Reiger CD

    1909 Reiger CD

    1910 Reiger CD

    1911 Reiger CD

    1912 Reiger CD

    1913 Reiger CD

    1914 Reiger CD

    1915 Reiger CD

    1916 Reiger CD

    1917 Reiger CD

    1918 Reiger CD

    1919 Reiger CD

    1920 Reiger CD

Downloads available now– Worth Street